Select Data Source - Machine Data Source

Setting up a machine-specific ODBC data source

Machine Data Source

To access this dialog:

  • From the Data Import dialog, select the [ODBC] Driver Category and Data Type. If a block model type was selected, enter the parameters in the Block Model Parameters dialog and click OK. Select the Machine Data Source tab.

  • From the Data Import dialog, select the [ODBC] Driver Category and Data Type. If a block model type was selected, enter the parameters in the Block Model Parameters dialog and click From Database.... Select the Machine Data Source tab.

Allows you to connect with a data source that has a user data source name (DSN) or a system DSN. Machine data sources are specific to this machine and cannot be shared.  

Field Details:

Machine Data Source: lists all user and system DSNs, including the name and type of each DSN. Double-clicking a DSN connects to the data source.

New: click to add a new machine data source. In the Create New Data Source dialog box that appears, choose the driver for which you are adding a user or system DSN and click Next to specify the name or location of the new DSN. Click Next again to view a summary of the new information. Click Finish to display the driver-specific setup dialog box.

OK: closes the Select Data Source dialog box and connects to the selected data source. Clicking OK does not accept changes to the Machine Data Sources list. Changes to the list are accepted when you click OK in the Data Source Setup dialog box.

Cancel: closes the Select Data Source dialog box without connecting to the file data source and without undoing changes made via other dialog box controls.